Sibling Duo Jailed After Staging Fake Gun Threat

A brother and sister from West Yorkshire have been jailed after orchestrating an elaborate scheme to frame the sister’s ex-husband using a staged gun threat. The case, which unfolded in Leeds Crown Court, revealed a shocking plot designed to manipulate legal proceedings during an acrimonious divorce.

The Incident: A Fake Gun Threat in Shadwell

On the evening of July 31, 2020, West Yorkshire Police responded to a report of a gun threat at a residence on Ash Hill Lane, Shadwell. CCTV footage showed two masked men, one armed with what appeared to be a long-barrelled gun, confronting Inderjeet Gosal. The men issued a chilling warning: “Stay out of Jonny’s business, stay out of your sister’s case.”

Inderjeet Gosal, who was at the scene with his wife Harpreet Gosal and his sister Hardeep Sangha, immediately implicated Hardeep’s ex-husband, Harpal Sangha, known as Jonny, in the incident. Police promptly arrested Harpal Sangha the next day on suspicion of witness intimidation, detaining him for 15 hours before he was released on bail. However, it wasn’t long before the investigation took an unexpected turn.

Unraveling the Plot: Telltale Signs of a Set-Up

As detectives reviewed the CCTV footage provided by Inderjeet Gosal, they noticed something unusual—a “telltale laughter” in the background. This suspicious detail led police to dig deeper, eventually uncovering the truth: the entire incident had been staged by Gosal and his sister, with the help of two teenagers, Kane Allen and Matias Jozio, who were aged 16 and 17 at the time.

Further investigation revealed that the masked men, Allen and Jozio, had been enlisted by the Gosals to pose as threatening assailants. The siblings, along with Harpreet Gosal, had also reported “threatening phone calls” to the police, which were later proven to be fabricated as part of the scheme.

The Aftermath: More False Threats and Vandalism

The conspiracy did not end with the staged gun threat. On September 2, 2020, five masked individuals caused £2,000 worth of damage at a convenience store owned by Harpal Sangha’s parents in Huddersfield, where Harpal also lived. One of the vandals shouted, “Tell Jonny to pay,” further escalating the harassment. Matias Jozio was identified as one of the males involved in the attack, and investigations linked Kane Allen to the incident as well.

Legal Consequences: Sentencing at Leeds Crown Court

The case culminated in a sentencing hearing at Leeds Crown Court, where all five individuals involved in the plot admitted to charges of conspiracy to pervert the course of public justice. Kane Allen and Matias Jozio also admitted to criminal damage for their roles in the Huddersfield vandalism.

  • Hardeep Sangha, 40, of New Mill Road, Holmfirth, was sentenced to four years and seven months in prison.
  • Inderjeet Gosal, 42, of Ash Hill Lane, Shadwell, received a sentence of three years and one month.
  • Harpreet Gosal, 37, also of Ash Hill Lane, Shadwell, was handed a nine-month sentence, suspended for 18 months. She was also ordered to carry out 200 hours of unpaid work and complete 12 rehabilitation requirement days.
  • Kane Allen, 20, of The Rein, Leeds, was sentenced to 15 months, suspended for 18 months, along with 25 rehabilitation requirement days and a five-month curfew.
  • Matias Jozio, 21, of Amberton Mount, Leeds, received a 17-month sentence, suspended for 18 months, and was ordered to complete 200 hours of unpaid work and 15 rehabilitation requirement days.

Conclusion: A Cautionary Tale of Deception

This case serves as a stark reminder of the lengths some individuals will go to manipulate the justice system. The repercussions of such actions are severe, not only for the perpetrators but also for the innocent parties wrongfully implicated. The sentences handed down reflect the gravity of the offenses and the importance of maintaining the integrity of legal proceedings.

As divorce and family disputes can often escalate, this case underscores the need for clear-headed legal advice and resolution, rather than resorting to extreme and illegal measures.

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