Why Did Yanko Beat His Girl?

Why did yanko beat his girl? The 23-year-old artist, popular on YouTube and TikTok, traveled 300 miles from Essex to Newcastle to confront his former partner following a bitter breakup.

Harrowing Details of the Attack

The attack occurred after the woman made it clear during a phone call on July 19 that she wanted nothing more to do with Creffield-Foster. Despite this, he traveled to her home in Newcastle. Upon entering her flat, the woman noticed the smell of men’s body odor, realizing someone was inside. Creffield-Foster then dragged her inside, subjected her to physical violence, and made terrifying threats.

“She screamed and kicked the floor to try and get help,” recounted Prosecutor Joe Hedworth. Creffield-Foster’s friend, who was also present, covered the woman’s face and threatened her. At one point, Creffield-Foster instructed his friend to stab her, though the friend did not follow through.

The Aftermath and Legal Proceedings

The woman, left bruised and traumatized, was forced to sleep in her car or in hotels before eventually moving to a new home. She managed to escape during the attack by pretending to reconcile with Creffield-Foster, then sought help from strangers and called the police.

Creffield-Foster fled the area and was apprehended at the Channel Tunnel four months later. The victim expressed ongoing fear in an impact statement, stating, “I am paranoid he will return. I am constantly looking over my shoulder and checking doors are locked.”

Court’s Verdict and Sentencing

The court recognized the premeditated nature of Creffield-Foster’s actions, highlighting the significant degree of planning involved as he traveled from Essex to Newcastle. With a criminal history that includes previous prison sentences for possessing a handgun and drug supply, Creffield-Foster denied hiding out in the woman’s flat but admitted to the assault.

Judge Julie Clemitson, who sentenced Creffield-Foster, emphasized the terrifying nature of the incident and the calculated effort he made to travel across the country. She acknowledged his intelligence and self-employment in the music industry but criticized his poor choices and involvement in gang culture.

Naeem Karbhari, defending, highlighted Creffield-Foster’s remorse and difficult background. He noted that the rapper is attempting to distance himself from negative influences and focus on his music career.


Women like aggressive and violent gangsters until those gangsters are aggressive and violent with them. They would prefer the gangster to just go after his rivals, have multiple altercations, engage in stabbings and fights, and then return home to be a loving and caring partner.

Of course, this is not realistic, as someone with that type of behavior and involvement in that music scene was going to be an aggressive and dangerous partner anyway. But the real question is, did she see it coming?

She chose to be with him, she chose to trust him with her information and her time, and she never saw the red flags?

She did see it coming and liked it until it went too far. She did not deserve what happened to her, but she definitely allowed it to happen by interacting with him. This is a lesson not only for her but for us as a society.

There are instances that allow us to see red flags and alarms of a dangerous situation, and we ignore them. We have done the same with drill music, which has permanently damaged our new generation and the minds of hundreds of thousands of kids all over the world. Let’s be smarter.

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