Rappers: Poverty, Success, and Survival


Drill rap, a genre known for its raw depiction of urban life, has garnered significant attention over the years. Despite the genre’s success, many drill rappers remain ensnared in poverty. The music industry, while potentially lucrative, disproportionately rewards a tiny fraction of its artists. Only the top 0.1 percent of rappers achieve substantial financial success, leaving the majority to grapple with economic instability.

Financial Struggles of Drill Rappers

The financial struggles faced by most drill rappers contrast sharply with the public perception of their lives. While the industry’s top performers enjoy lavish lifestyles, the vast majority of drill rappers barely scrape by. The promise of wealth through music is largely illusory, attainable by only a select few. For these fortunate individuals, music pays well, allowing them to live comfortably or even extravagantly. However, for the vast majority, the financial rewards of music are insufficient to sustain them, pushing many towards “trapping”.

The Case of UK Drill Rapper Lucii

UK drill rapper Lucy, who was caught scamming his fans by selling masks for 300 euros and then failing to ship them. This incident highlights the desperate measures some artists resort to in order to make a living. Despite his popularity, Lucy’s actions reveal the financial pressures faced by many artists in the industry. Scamming his fans may have seemed like a quick solution to financial woes, but it ultimately damaged his reputation and betrayed the trust of his supporters.


The reality of the drill scene is that everyone is poor, or rather, everyone is living below their ideal standard. What is the ideal standard? It is set by the famous rappers of the moment, those who have made it in such a competitive and harsh environment as drill music.

Considering all music genres, attracting attention in the music scene is already close to impossible. Everyone is already doing what you want to do, and they are doing it better than you. So, how can you attract attention? How can you win and, in the end, make money?

The answers are many, and it’s not as easy as it may seem. But what happens when success does not arrive?

Lucii is the best example of this incredible phenomenon. Scamming your fans who actually support you and listen to your music for 300 pounds for masks that you do not even own or intend to ship is shameful. This article does not aim to hold Lucii or any other scammer accountable. The only purpose is to realize the epidemic of lies and struggles among 99% of rappers and to recognize that there is only one path to success: it consists of honesty, value, and talent.

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