Hochul’s Apology: NY Governor Regrets Remarks about Black Children in the Bronx

Hochul’s Controversial Comments: NY Governor Apologizes for Remarks about Black Children in Bronx

Hochul Faces Public Backlash

NY Governor Kathy Hochul found herself at the center of controversy after making comments about black children in the Bronx district of New York during a panel discussion earlier this week. The governor was engaged in a conversation with Jonathan Capehart, a Washington Post columnist and MSNBC host, at an event organized by the Milken Institute in Los Angeles. Her comments, which were made in the context of discussing the state’s new “Empire AI” program – a program designed to extend supercomputer access to the Buffalo region – sparked immediate outcry. Hochul pontificated, “At present, we have young Black children growing up in the Bronx who are ignorant of the term ‘computer’, they are unaware of these things. I aspire to broaden their horizons and open up the world to them.”

Community Leaders Express Outrage

The comments were swiftly condemned by local politicians. Assemblywoman Karines Reyes, who represents several Bronx neighborhoods, forcefully responded via a post on X (previously known as Twitter). She wrote, “I am deeply disconcerted by @GovKathyHochul’s recent comments and the underlying negative viewpoint she holds of Black & brown children from the BX. Our youth are intelligent, astoundingly able, exceedingly competent, and thoroughly worthy of any chances that are given to other children. It’s time to do better”. Her sentiment was echoed by fellow Assemblywoman Amanda Septimo who characterized Hochul’s words as “gravely misinformed and truly shocking”.

Hochul Extends Apology

In the wake of the backlash, Hochul issued an apology the same evening. She acknowledged, “I made a mistake and I rue it.” In a more detailed statement, she elaborated, “Of course, Black kids in the Bronx are familiar with computers – the real issue is that they often lack the necessary technology to access high-paying employment opportunities in burgeoning industries like AI.” This isn’t the first instance where Hochul has had to apologize for her public utterances. Previously in February, she had to take back her remarks where she imagined a hypothetical scenario of Canada initiating an attack similar to the Hamas militant organization’s assault on Israel in October 2023.

DPH Hot Take

Missing the mark is not uncommon in the political landscape, and Governor Hochul’s gaffe exemplifies this. Her blanket assumptions echo a deeper systemic failure of acknowledging the capabilities of marginalized communities. However, the remorse expressed marks a turning point that should, ideally, manifest into concrete action. We must remember that words carry weight, especially for figures of influence. If ill-informed comments turn into lessons learned, they can open up learning opportunities not just for the leaders, but also for the public discourse.

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