Hit-Boy’s Musical Shift: Big Hit Takes Center Stage

**h1: Hit-Boy Switches Focus from Nas to His Dad, Big Hit**

**h2: New Musician Stardom: Big Hit**

Over the last few seasons, notable hip-hop artist, Hit-Boy, has frequently collaborated with renowned rap icon, Nas, resulting in several outstanding albums. Though their partnership has now come to an end, Hit-Boy has shifted his attention to his father; a rising star in the hip-hop field, widely known as Big Hit.

The recent black-and-white themed music video “Foreclosure,” spotlights Big Hit, with Hit-Boy making the strategic decision to step aside, allowing his father to take the limelight. Throughout the video, Big Hit masterfully recounts his storytelling prowess, immersed in the locales of what is assumed to be his neighborhood.

**h2: Roc Marciano’s Nostalgic Tribute**

In parallel news, fellow New York-native rapper Roc Marciano, revives the nostalgic vibes of the 1990s in his latest music video, “BeBe’s Kids.” This creative piece is a vibrant tribute to the revered Robin Harris’ work, consisting of a lively cartoon adventure filled with a bunch of gutsy kids.

**h3: More Hip-Hop News**

Today’s rundown also exposes eye-catching projects released from artists Lil Bean, Gloss Up, and more. Featured pieces include Lil Bean’s “MTV Cribs”, Gloss Up’s “Baddest”, and Chase Roberts’ “Lost You,” amongst others, signifying an exciting time in the ever-evolving hip-hop music scene.

**DPH Hot Take**:

From seasoned artists like Hit-Boy shifting focus to help elevate emerging talents like Big Hit, to new edgings on nostalgia as seen in Roc Marciano’s tribute to Robin Harris, the current hip-hop landscape is undergoing exciting progressions. This cycle of innovation and tribute to the staples of old, from both waning and waxing stars of the hip-pop scene, is ensuring the genre remains fresh and dynamic. This, in essence, encapsulates the power of music – its ability to evolve, inspire, and influence, while remaining rooted in its heritage. Will the day come when we see a Hit-Boy and Big Hit collaboration? Only time will tell. For now, it’s clear – the hip-hop music scene continues to uphold its legacy while confidently stepping into the future.

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