Boxer Ryan Garcia Links Positive PED Test to Trump Support Conspiracy

Boxer Ryan Garcia Attributes His Positive PED Test To Conspiracy Against His Trump Support

Garcia alleges Conspiracy Behind Positive Test

Ryan Garcia, a known Donald Trump supporter and conspiracy theorist, is blending the two interests in a new way: blaming his positive test for performance-enhancing drug ostarine on his open endorsement of former President Donald Trump.

According to reports from Raw Story, Garcia has put forth a new conspiracy theory to explain his testing positive. He claims that the establishment is trying to discredit him because he expressed support for Trump. The boxer asserted this connection via a post on his social media account.

Conspiracy Theory Met With Skepticism

Unfortunately for Garcia, these types of conspiracy theories often hold sway only when propagated by Donald Trump himself, right-wing-leaning media, or members of the white-majority populace. Though Garcia, a Mexican boxer, has the support of some Trump followers, it’s not enough to instigate a significant backlash or call for a boycott of the sport.

Observably, deflection and evasion are prevalent among Trump and his followers when held responsible for their actions. Garcia’s approach seems to mirror this.

According to MSNBC writer Ja’han Jones’ sharp critique, the tone of Garcia’s denials is strikingly similar to common Trump-deflection. Garcia’s troubled defense only seemed to reinforce this viewpoint. Jones pointed out the similarity between Garcia and Trump’s response tactics when their proclaimed victories are challenged.

Garcia’s Conspiracy Theory Faces Uncertain Future

The future of Ryan Garcia’s conspiracy theory surrounding his positive PED test is unclear. However, given his limited appeal among Trump’s hard-right followers, it’s unlikely that its impact will be substantial.

DPH Hot Take

Our closing “DPH hot take” is that Garcia’s attempt to spin a conspiracy theory around his positive PED test seems to be a desperate and sadly typical move for those within the Trump-supporting fold. While his allegations echo the denial and deflection patterns observed in many Trump supporters, it’s unlikely to garner much support or momentum due to his limited standing within the MAGA sphere. As a news organization dedicated to providing accurate and objective reporting, we will continue to follow this story and analyses as it unfolds.

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