Rappers do not exist anymore! Artists do!

Socia media has destoyed the concept of talented rappers and has introduced an whole new market made on fame and clout rather then talent. The belief that everybody can rap does not directly correlate with an increase in musical talent, but it directly correlates with the democratization of content creation, which makes creating content more accessible.

Role of Production Teams in Rappers products!

As things are right now, The most important asset that a content creator can have to support him is a competent team. The quality and the editing of the music video has now gained an incredible amount of power in making an artist famous and the ability of the producer to mix the ”song” in a certain way so that the UNtalented artist can get recognition and following, is somehow not important but deeply fondamental of a well-done product and marketing campaign.

Impact on Artistic Integrity

The question then becomes, ”What is an artist in 2024?”. When we cannot recognize musicians and others as artists due to field oversaturatiin with a ‘production mentality’ that prioritizes mass production and virality over quality, where can we find the true ‘artists’?

We should not let the notion that the music industry is flooded with untalented, manufactured products deceive us; artists with genuine talent and messages still exist everywhere.

Influencers are artists

In a more general way, talking about a definition of artist that exists far away from the conception of artist we have had in the past 100 years, influencers are still artists, just a different type of art.

This art (Done by influencers that actually have talent and ambition) is the same as the conventional art we have always known; but with different characteristics. For istance, anyone can make this art because we all could be influencers and everyone can understand it as long as the message is clear.


The next challenge our society faces is to balance mass appeal with artistic integrity. Should rappers or artists in general drive their inner focus on their artistic project? or should they completely follow the mass providing the product their Fanbase crave?

At DPH we think Balance is the best way to solve this dilemma.

Follow what your audience wants and take inspiration from it, but dont let it pull you away from your inner desires.

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