How Kanye West brutally destryed his career
Credit to “Rapsode” on youtube

Kanye West, once a musical genius and influential figure in the entertainment industry, has seen his career take a sharp nosedive in recent years. What was once a promising journey marked by groundbreaking albums and innovative fashion ventures has sadly turned into a series of controversial incidents and ill-advised decisions that have brutally damaged his reputation.

One of the most significant blows to Kanye’s career came from his foray into politics. His public support for Donald Trump and his controversial statements about slavery being a “choice” alienated many fans and fellow artists. His erratic behavior, including impromptu rants at public events, further cemented the perception that he was no longer the Kanye West people had admired for his creativity and artistry.

Kanye’s personal life also played a role in his career’s decline. His tumultuous marriage to Kim Kardashian was highly publicized, and their messy divorce proceedings dominated tabloid headlines. The drama surrounding their relationship became a distraction from his music and overshadowed any positive developments in his career.

Perhaps the most tragic aspect of Kanye West’s career decline is the impact it has had on his art. His once-innovative music has taken a backseat to his controversial persona, making it difficult for fans to separate the artist from the controversies. While Kanye’s early work will always be celebrated, it’s undeniable that his recent actions have brutally tarnished what was once a stellar career. Only time will tell if he can recover and regain the respect and admiration he once enjoyed.

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