Kanye West is not crazy, you are

The Media led us to believe that Kanye West is crazy, but now i would like every reader to consider for a minute the possibility that we have been misled. What if Kanye West wasn’t actually crazy? What if he is the actual “Woke” individual that we as a society need?

Started as a beatmaker and finished his career as a crazy, unmanageable individual, something must have gone off in his mind, something terrible. Kanye West didn’t have what you would call a normal career, he created a legacy; He never just was a “rapper” he was and is, so much more then that.

To my mind comes what Tupac once said to Kanye, “first make the money, then go to war” and thats exactly what Kanye did.

Its not about becoming successful, its not about money and its not about females; its about fighting the industry, fighting censorship and fighting the same society that cuts our wings putting us through school and teaching how to become good employees. Its about fighting for freedom of speech and freedom of being able to be creative which in this age and time is not only discouraged but penalized

If you got caught in the media trying to tell you you shouldn’t listen to Kanye West and those like him, then you are the crazy one, you got caught up in the big lie. I say “jump on the coffee table” i say “take that risk” because not taking the risk is a risk itself

The sad truth is that we should look at the situation from all points of view and bottom line we should analyze the facts that are presented to us. Kanye didn’t win the battle, in fact he lost. He got taken down as anybody whom tried to challenge the system and the bigger picture, he got taken down like anybody that tried to intellectually challenge what they had found in this strange society

Hopefully somebody stronger will clear the path and lead the way.

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