Not having street credibility Helps yor carreer

For many aspiring musicians, the allure of street credibility can be strong. After all, there are countless examples of successful rappers who have built their careers around the idea of having lived a rough life on the streets. However, is it really true that having street credibility is a key factor in making it in the music industry? In this article, we will argue that the opposite is true: it is actually easier to make it in the music industry if you have no street credibility.

First, let’s define what we mean by “street credibility”. Generally speaking, street credibility refers to the idea that a person has earned respect and admiration from their peers due to their experiences and lifestyle on the streets. This can manifest in many ways, such as having a criminal record, being affiliated with a gang, or simply being known as someone who has had to overcome significant adversity in their life.

While it’s true that some rappers with street credibility have achieved massive success, such as Tupac Shakur or The Notorious B.I.G., it’s important to remember that these artists are the exception rather than the rule. In fact, data suggests that the vast majority of rappers with street credibility either die or go to prison.

According to a study conducted by The Guardian in 2015, over 30% of rappers with street credibility have died violently. This includes artists such as Tupac, Biggie, and Nipsey Hussle, as well as countless others who never achieved the same level of fame. Additionally, many rappers with street credibility end up spending significant amounts of time in prison, effectively derailing their careers before they have a chance to take off.

On the other hand, there are numerous examples of successful musicians who have achieved success without relying on street credibility. Take, for instance, Drake. While he has certainly had his fair share of controversies and beefs with other rappers, he is not known for having a particularly rough or criminal lifestyle. Similarly, artists like Post Malone and Lil Nas X have achieved massive success without relying on a tough-guy image or street credibility.

So, why is it actually easier to make it in the music industry without street credibility? One key reason is that it allows artists to focus on their craft rather than worrying about maintaining a certain image. When an artist is constantly trying to prove their toughness or street cred, they may be more concerned with projecting a certain persona than with creating great music. By contrast, an artist who is free from the constraints of street credibility can focus solely on their music and let their talent speak for itself.

Another reason is that the music industry has evolved significantly in recent years. While there is still a market for “gangsta rap” and other forms of music that rely heavily on street credibility, there are now more avenues than ever for artists to achieve success without conforming to these stereotypes. The rise of streaming platforms like Spotify and SoundCloud has made it easier than ever for up-and-coming artists to get their music heard by a wide audience, regardless of whether they have street credibility or not.

In conclusion, while there are certainly examples of successful rappers with street credibility, the reality is that most artists who rely on this image either end up dead or in prison. By contrast, artists who are free from these constraints are able to focus solely on their music, which can ultimately lead to greater success in the long run. As the music industry continues to evolve, it’s likely that we will see more and more successful artists who achieve fame and fortune without ever having to rely on street credibility.

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